Not all the vendor spaces are selling things. There are also politicians ready to convince you to vote for them. There are various church groups, businesses, raffles or charities hoping to get your attention or dollars. All the local antique shops are open and doing big business. It is fun!
And I won't even go into the food you should never eat, but is ubiquitous at these kinds of events. This is the first year that I was able to avoid a funnel cake. Yay, me! I was unable to avoid a pulled pork BBQ sandwich and most of a cotton candy on a paper cone. Bad me. But you must help support the local charities. It is the thing to do. All for them and not for me.
The day started out cool and overcast. We got there early, about 8, so that we could get a close spot to all the action. It was pretty close, but it was still a long walk to the center of town with the music. As the day went along it became quite hot, in the high 80's. So much so that I moved the chairs we brought into the shade the truck made. After all, it took me three years of working in the library to get rid of the farmer's tan I got from one year of working on clearing the property when we first moved here.
I was hunched over by the front wheel and almost invisible to the passing crowds on the other side of the truck. This afforded me the opportunity to hear a lot of the comments. We noticed our biggest fans were old men in John Deere ball caps and young boys in John Deere T-shirts.
A very young girl with a high pitched voice said, "Green...and yellow! Shiny!"
An older gentleman to his grandson, " My daddy had one of these. We have a picture of him with it in the field."
A teenaged girl, "This is awesome!" And a teenaged boy, "Nice looking truck. If I had $15,00, I'd buy it." He didn't and he won't, but it was nice to hear.
And another favorite, "15,000. Is that all?"
Lots of people took pictures. One couple seemed very enthusiastic. I asked if either of them would like their picture taken to be put on my blog. I warned them that if they were in the Witness Protection Program, that they should decline. He did. She didn't.
Does this mean he is in the WPP?
I bet the truck pleased quite a few "old-timers" and impressed many others. I love "my daddy had one of these..." . I have missed Mountain Magic for the past few years, thanks for sharing it.