Lee hosted the whole famdamly for my birthday.
There were finger sandwiches, scones, meringues (called macaroons for some reason) and cakes. We each got to pick our own pot of tea. It was great!
Then when we went to London we went to a small shop called Bea's of Bloomsbury. Our hotel was in the same neighborhood and we had seen a story about it on the Travel Channel before leaving home.
It was full of cupcakes and cookies and tarts. Just every baked good you want to have and know you shouldn't. But this was a vacation and so we did.
Everything was delicious and at the counter was a display of a cookbook from Bea's. I followed my routine of making sure there were sufficient recipes that I want to fix and pictures to make sure I did it right. So we bought one. I just went on Amazon and found I overpaid by $10, so don't fly over there to get your own. Order it online! But this was my souvenir of our trip, so I am OK with that. Really. I won't obsess about it at all.
I have a whole bunch of recipes I collected while over there and will start on them just as soon as I get to the grocery store. We have been back for 4 days and have been living off Atkins bars and frozen meals! To (mis)quote Shakespeare, "Get thee to a grocery." And I intend to. Just as soon as I can get these #@*! photos to upload!
Calories never count when away from home and especially not when a birthday celebration is involved...belated birthday wishes. Looks like some wonderful memories were made with great treats. It's disconcerting to find out you overpaid for something, but then it was a souvenir...right?.