I finished the Federal Express T-shirt quilt about a month ago. It was fun seeing all the old shirts and events from our tenure back in the day. Do you military types see the Bravo Zulu next to the plane and below the Stuff It T? Lee received a Bravo Zulu award when he was Senior Manager of Engineering for the Western Region. I found some images on the computer and had it printed on special fabric. There are a lot of things on the quilt that long time FedEx employees should recognize.
The last thing I needed to do was the binding. I like to cut off the edges of the quilt first, although not everyone does it this way.
It is a good idea to have someone help you.
You didn't buy that, did you? He is a pain in the neck and not only does he climb on any project and grab it with claws when I try to move him, but he SHEDS like crazy. See all that hair? NONE of it is attached. Touch him and it comes off on your clothes. Help. As if.
Cut 3 inch strips of the binding fabric. Then attach the strips into one long strip.
Fold and iron the strip in half and then sew the cut edge to the front of the quilt.
Fold it over and hand stitch it in a blind hem stitch on the back of the quilt.
This takes quite a bit of time, so you should turn on TV.
Finding a Tom Selleck movie is great. Now he IS a help. More important, he didn't shed on the quilt! Plus, he was filming Magnum when we lived in Hawaii and Lee was the Honolulu station manager for Federal Express. They delivered a lot of packages to the Magnum folks.
I spent quite a bit of time with a sticky roller to remove MOST of the hair and then wrapped up the quilt for a gift. I gave it to Lee yesterday. It was our 35th anniversary.
He will probably put it somewhere in the office where he has a lot of Federal Express memorabilia.
Any FedEx employees are welcome to come check it out.
I may even give you a discount on a stay in the B&B. Except those people that don't deserve it...and you know who you are!
Happy Anniversary!! Love the quilt and how it turned out. You worked so very hard on completing it. Hope Lee LOVES IT!