We did not landscape our yard. The original owners built the house and did the landscaping. I like the plants they choses, but would need a book to tell you what we have. And I probably won't, because I would never remember after I did. Not good with names.
I wish we had more flowers, but the perennials, not the annuals. I don't like to plant something I KNOW will die. I have enough problems with the ones I EXPECT to live. It always looks great when you first put down the mulch. You expect it to keep weeds away. It doesn't. But, it looks good until you need the Round Up. It eventually works its way into the soil and then time for more mulch. It's that time again.
These plants bloom in spring and I have no idea what they are, but I love the pop of color in the garden.
I planted a hydrangea last year (I know what it is because I bought and planted it.) and it looks like it is coming back after dying off in the winter. So two flowering plants. The daffodils are ready to be cut back, but they'll have to wait. I plan on adding more flowers when I am finished with the basement and I'm bored and looking for something to do. Not any time soon, then.
I think this may be some kind of spirea bush... not positive, but it's a start! LOL