Every week during the school year, we have story hour in the library. On holidays they usually have a small party hosted by Miss Jackie and "catered" by the parents of the kids. This week we had the annual Easter Eggs hunt.
Last year it was cold and rainy for our hunt, so we hid eggs in the children's section of the library. When Jackie brought out the eggs that the moms had brought, I assumed we would hide them again inside. Not so fast, grasshopper. It was a beautiful warm day, no inside hiding for us. Cathy, Doris and I took them outside and started hiding them. It was a large turnout, however, so hiding soon gave way to dropping them any old place. I thought it would be fun to hide them on the cars that were in the parking lot, but the others wouldn't let me and insisted the eggs stay on the library side of the sidewalk. Safety shmafety, there were way more hiding places under and around cars!
We have a great group of kids and they all had fun gathering the eggs...finding is too strong of a word. So enjoy the pictures of the Fincastle story hour group going about the serious business of egg gathering!
I love an Easter Egg hunt. It's adorable how excited the kids get.