
Sunday, December 15, 2019

It Never Stops


It took a lot longer to finish the garage/shop than we had hoped.  But that is the way of construction. Double the time estimate. increase the budget and it is still more time and money than you had planned on.


My favorite part is the copper weather vane.

But the shop is done and now Lee has to finish the inside.


He is installing peg board and building benches as I write this.


I'm inside because it is cold.

Next we are turning a hall closet into a bigger pantry.


We had the door removed and the hole drywalled in.  Now we are trying to make a cohesive floor. I'm afraid the tiles will crack when they try to pry them up and we'll need to cut and reuse a couple of them.


We decided to go with the wood floor on the closet side rather than the tile floor on the pantry side. We can't find tile to match but we do have some left over wood flooring.


Crossing our fingers.


  1. Looks like a great workshop space!

    1. It's getting there. Next he has to order the lift for working under cars. He says he is too old to crawl under them any more.
