
Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I have sold a few baskets.  I am taking advantage of the winter lull in the B&B to make a lot more baskets  I am also trying different shapes and ways of finishing the baskets.

For the basket on the left, I cut some of the ducks from the fabric and fused them onto the outside of the basket.


The basket on the right has a pronounced V shape that I like.


I liked the shape so much that I made this one, also.  This basket it a mix of reds with silver accents.  To finish it I added silver thread around the top and used a silver bead and attached an  inspirational dangle.  You can't get more inspirational than tell one to inspire!.  I think it is striking.


  1. These are beautiful and I like the way you added the charms. Very nice.

  2. Thank you so much! I am having so much fun with my baskets that I don't want to sell them. But I need to in order to support my "habit". I am in the process of setting up an Etsy site. Now I have to pick a few and take pictures. The PRESSURE!

  3. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your linked header on our new site directory, As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention.

    If you are concerned about me being up to no good, please do a Google search for SiteHoundSniffs (with or without the .com). The results should prove that it is meant to be a very good thing.

    Specifically, what we are wanting to do is take a screenshot of your header and display it (linked back to the homepage) in place of the text-link. If you will visit, it should be easy to see how having a displayed header makes an individual site more attractive to visitors and SiteHoundSniffs look better. You do not have to do a thing but grant permission. There is absolutely no charge, nor will there ever be.

    1. I looked at your site and you certainly have quite a selection of blogs. It is nice that you have them organized by category. In addition to my baskets, I blog recipes, particularly those I intend to use for our B&B. It is good that you actually visit the sites to make sure there are no unintended consequences for the new visitor. Based on this, please feel free to link my header to the site directory and thank you for including us.

    2. Thank you so very much for giving permission. You can see your linked header under All, Arts/Crafts, Dooking, Sewing and the United States. If you could say something (preferably good) about here and there, we would greatly appreciate it.

  4. These baskets look very lovely , Rebecca, and the red one is my favorite along with the message. It may be hard to part with your creations, but then selling them to make way for new ones would be a way of looking at it.

    1. A girl has to find a way to fund her obsessions! There is a craft fair in Buchanan called Mountain Magic In Fall. I was originally making baskets to sell there. It got rained out and I wasn't in town for the make up date. I sold some of the baskets and now I am back to making more for the Fall craft fair. I have enough fabric I don't need to go buy more, but I find myself haunting fabric stores. My name is Rebecca and I am a obsessed basket maker!
