
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Baskets on Display

If you follow my blog, you will know that I have been making baskets to sell at Mountain Magic in Fall in the Town of Buchanan.  I got the first book of instructions on making coiled fabric baskets from the library.  I wanted to keep it, but libraries frown on that, so I found one on Amazon and bought it.  There are a few more books on making my new favorite type of baskets on Amazon, so I recently bought them as well.  Once I finish making baskets to sell I will try some of the different techniques in the new books.  I can't sell baskets I am learning on.  No one wants those. 


The library in Fincastle has a display case and various people or organizations show what they are working on for a month at a time.  I have the month of September.


I placed the book that I am using there, too.  It is my copy of the one the library consortium owns.  I also placed the books I will use next, in case people want to encourage the library to get those, too.  Libraries are good about that.  Tell them what you want and you have a good chance that they will get it for you.


This year Mountain Magic will be held October 1st.  I have reserved a space and am excited about it.  If I don't sell any baskets, I will be less excited.  I'm hoping my friends will at least stop by and visit me.


Naturally, I forgot to take pictures when I finished setting up the display.  The children's librarian sent me these, so I didn't have to make another trip.  It helps to have friends in high places. 

I hope to have about 50 baskets by the time Mountain Magic in Fall rolls around.  I am also hoping I don't have 50 baskets to take home at the end of the day.  My friends and family share this hope.  If I don't sell any, they have a pretty good idea what gifts they will be getting for every birthday and Christmas for a very long time....


  1. I would be very surprised if you don't have great success in selling these baskets. You are very creative.

  2. I've been reading non-fiction books all summer and they take a lot longer. I can't think of the last time I was at the library. I will try to get there next week to see your baskets. Maybe we can make it to Buchanan on the first. We're committed to an event at church earlier that day.
    Your baskets are just beautiful.

  3. What a gorgeous baskets, Rebecca! Love al them! You have a great talent!
