We did the usual things a tourist does in Dublin, pub visits, and a tour of the Guinness Storehouse. That was a fun self-guided tour. I'm not a huge Guinness fan, but the tour was fun!

We also took a day- long bus tour across Ireland, making several stops. The main stop was the Cliffs of Moher. They are steep imposing cliffs on the western shore of Ireland. Perhaps you remember them from the Princess Bride? They were used for the Cliffs Of Insanity This was where Fezzik climbed the rope pulling Buttercup and her captors with him. No one would be able to follow them. It was INCONCEIVABLE!
The day was overcast and rainy, but the rain stopped for us each time we stepped out of the bus to see something new. Is this the luck of the Irish? Not sure.
We stopped a bit farther on. There were acres and miles of nothing but stone with small outcroppings of grass. The guide told us that the British had cut down all the trees. All of them. The winds eroded the soil and this is what is left. They are trying to reforest areas that were clear cut, but without much soil that will be a daunting task.
I saw this stone formation and wonder what caused it. It looks like the teeth of a front loader on a tractor, but it is stone.
We enjoyed our brief overview of Ireland and vacationing with Trista. Lee especially enjoyed the weather. Imagine, cool and overcast in JULY! He may be planning to move.