
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

More Wedding Ring

I am making slow but sure progress on my quilt.  I have cut all the pieces I need for the rings.   I cut a few extra wedges, in case I ruin a few or don't like the last of the colors.  I cut a bunch of the quilt top background squares and a few of the interfacing arcs for attaching the "rings" to the quilt

And now I am starting on the arcs.  I picked 6 colors I thought would go together and sewed them with a 1/4 inch seam. 


I ironed the seams to one side for strength. 


I placed the interfacing on the sewn arc to make sure I am doing it properly.


I didn't sew it in place, I just set it on top to see if the arcs matched up.   It looks OK to me!

So now only 115 more arcs to go. 

I must be nuts.


  1. Does sewing hurt your back? I hope not. My grandmother gave me a maple leaf quilt when I married that I treasure. I have other quilts but that is my favorite.

  2. Beautiful jewel tone colors!! I'm finally reading blogs and catching up! I'll bet you're practicing with some new breakfast recipes and looking forward to B&B guests in the spring!
    Want to come up for lunch?
