
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Cold Day In July


Do you remember the song by the Dixie Chicks called Cold Day in July?  Well, that is what we have had the last two mornings.

After the incredible heat and humidity we have been having,  it was pretty nice.


I had to have coffee to stay warm out on the screen porch.  It was glorious, but foggy.


We all enjoyed getting out in it.  There were two absolutely BRILLIANT days this week.  It was better than Spring or Fall, because it was in the middle of hot and muggy days.  Lee said it was better than living back in Laguna Niguel, where beautiful weather is the norm.


Can we get this every summer?


  1. Wishful thinking is nice, Rebecca, but yes we are enjoying a nice respite too, minus the morning fog.

  2. Your blog is looking really spiffy. I like it! I have just caught up with you. I have been negligent in visiting, too busy healing I guess. We are having weird weather!

  3. These past couple of beautiful, cooler-than-normal days have been like getting a present! It was a pleasure working outside today, though I did get a bit sunburned.

    It looks like someone was balancing on your garden edging eating grass. Bad kitty. :)

  4. I agree, the weather may be strange lately but I'm digging it....
