
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pretty Cool, But Not Too Hot

Lee got the wood stove installed in the shop and it looks great. I have put off writing about it because I wanted him to have a fire in it for the picture. So, today was cold enough to light a fire and Lee called me when it was ready.

It didn't throw off a lot of heat, but he had a rather small fire. He wasn't going to stay out there long because he had to watch the Super Bowl. Now that starts at 6:00 on the East Coast, but you HAVE to watch the shows that tell you about the game and then you have to watch the game. Of course after that are the shows that tell you about the game you just watched. Thank Goodness for the Puppy Bowl! (I just found out those puppies are available for adoption...hmmm.... Somebody STOP me.) Anyway, so I am making soup. Soup for the Super Bowl!

Check out the good job Lee did on the chimney. I think it is cool even if it isn't all that hot.

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