
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Compost Can

We have a huge compost pile. We have huge compost producers! But I finally decided to start composting the kitchen garbage. Not the paper, but the peelings and bits from cooking. I have always thrown them away or chopped them up in the garbage disposal, but from now on I will compost.

I started looking for a nice looking can to keep on the counter. I couldn't find one at the local Walmart, so I went online. There are quite a few, but they were expensive, so I just use a plastic container with a lid. I'd like to get a bigger one so that I could put in the rind from a cantaloupe , for example. Maybe I'll buy an expensive one in a month where I feel flush. But this month was spent traveling things are a bit tight.

I don't expect this new project to appreciably increase the amount or the efficacy of my compost, but I like the idea of returning the kitchen cuttings back into the soil to make new food for us.

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