
Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Our chickens quit laying eggs.  After some research and finding feathers everywhere I decided it was because they were molting.  Chickens tend to lose their feathers just before winter. This gets rid of older, tattered feathers and allows new feathers to grow in for warmth over the colder months.

But they never started laying again.  Another article informed me that chickens need 14 hours of light to form eggs.  The coop does have a red colored spotlight in it.  At first I wasn't using it as some writers suggested that it would be nice to let the chickens get a break over the winter and not force egg production.


But it was so cold and the light is a source of heat in the coop. So I turned it on and away they went. They must have really enjoyed their long break!

This was just a couple days worth of eggs.  After I found where they were hiding them.


This HUGE egg appeared a couple of days ago.  It ended up being a double yolked egg.  I felt a little weird eating twins, but I did it anyway!



  1. Those are some good looking eggs!

    1. We got the chickens when we bought the house, but the have been quite prolific!

    2. Thanks! When we bought the house, the chickens came with it.
