
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Continuing Maintainance

Our home has recently been listed for sale.  You can see the listing here.  We live in the country, so this may take awhile.  Sadly, this doesn't mean we are done taking care of this house.  Routine maintenance continues.

I recently noticed the caulking between the counter and the backslash in the kitchen needed replacing.  This happens.  If you don't stay on top of this, water can get behind the counter and cause problems.

one sided razor and holder
masking tape
scissors to cut the tip of the tube of caulk
new caulk the color of the old caulk, I needed clear silicone



First you have to clean out the old caulk.  This takes a one sided razor and patience.  You want to scrape off the old caulk, not scratch the granite, so hold it at an angle and scrape gently.


Doing this behind a faucet is a challenge.  I had to take the razor out of the holder and contort my hand to get the job done.

Clean and dry the surface.


Carefully place the tape above and below the gap you are trying to fill.  The easiest way to to this is to hold one end of the tape on the surface below the gap.  Unroll about six inches.


Raise and lower the free end until it is exactly where you want it and press it smooth.


Repeat this until you get to the end of the project and then do it again above the gap.


I didn't have a large area to fill, so a small tube of clear silicone caulk worked for me.  If you have a larger job, a caulking gun and tube are better.


You can see the detailed instruction were very helpful....if I could read them, the print was VERY small.


It was also particularly helpful to have the cat lie down right behind me.


Squeeze the tube as you fill the gap. Get eye level to make sure you are using enough.  I had to go back and add caulk in a few places, like in the above picture


Don't worry if it is a bit lumpy, although you should try to do an even bead.  I couldn't get close to an even bead behind the faucet.  After you finish, get your finger damp and run it gently along the bead of caulk to smooth it out.  If you put way too much caulk, you will have to stop and wipe off the excess.  Then wet your finger again and continue.


Let the caulk dry for about 10 minutes and then remove the tape.  You don't want to wait too long as the tape may then pull out some of the caulk.  Pull it at a sharp angle away from the hole to break the connection with the tape.  It may not be as smooth as you like, mine wasn't, so wet your finger again and make one more pass over the caulk.


Wait for it to dry according to the very tiny instructions and you are back in business.


By the way, the cat wants a treat.  He did help, after all.


  1. Best of luck selling your home. It is a beauty!

    1. Thanks! It could take years to sell a place this big, so we still have to keep it gorgeous!

  2. Oh, I hate to hear that you're moving. I still remember how kind you were to me when I practically begged you to be my friend. Best of everything to you as you plan this move.

    1. Thank you! I will miss all our friends here. We will move closer to our daughter. Do you know anyone who wants a farm?

  3. Good luck on selling! We have been looking at homes in the northern valley and found that some are selling quickly in spite of it being January.

    1. That’s good to hear! We’ve had people looking, but no buyers yet. We’ll move up by Leesburg and downsize. 57 acres takes a lot of work and we don’t know how much longer we can do it. We sure loved it, though.

  4. Thanks for the update, Rebecca, as i was wondering if you had any "lookers" for your house and property. We've been there and done that including the home maintenance when we were not even living in the house. Now, we are fairly close to no longer being home owners as soon as the well and septic tests are completed. It's been a long haul for sure so I know how anxious you and Lee must be to relocate to Leesburg. How large a property will you consider when you do move....nowhere near 57 acres, I know, but of course large enough for Lee to have a garage for his vehicles and projects and you as well for yours.

    1. Lee wants about 3-5 acres. I would be happy with a lot less. I'm glad you are reaching the end of this long process of your house. I hope ours doesn't take this long!
