
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Check it out

I was recently asked if I would like to have my blog listed on this site  It is called Site Hound Sniffs and they list sites that they have gone to and found no problems, such as bugs and viruses.  Then Site Hound  lists them according to the topics covered within the blogs.

I checked them out and they seemed legit, so I happily gave permission to list Shenandoah Gateway Farm.  This has resulted in more visits to my blog.  I don't any money for this.  It is just a creative outlet and something to do for fun, so the only payoff I get is to see how many visitors I get.  So if you have a blog and want a lot of visitors, this is a good thing!

And if you are looking for a blog or many blogs to follow, then this is the place to go to find a lot of safe ones.  Try it out!

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