
Monday, February 22, 2016

Cricut cards

I bought a Cricut Air and have been having fun making cards.  When you add in the machine, paper and software, I could buy $20 cards and really impress people and it would be cheaper for each card I make!  But these are fun to do and I hope the recipients will appreciate them all the more for the time and effort.  I should keep a list of who got which cards, so I don't send them multiples of the same one, but I haven't gotten that organized, yet.

Cricut sends me scads of emails about new options and I was recently suckered into convinced to buy the latest cartridge.  It makes cards that fold flat for mailing, in the All Occasion Box Cards cartridge


and then open up into a box for display.


This one is nice with flowers that never wilt.  Although it is rather dictatorial.  GET WELL, fer cryin' out loud!

You have to be careful when assembling these cards.  There are no instructions, so I glued all the flowers first. 


When I folded the flower strip to fit the box, one of the flowers was facing the wrong direction, so I had to recut it.


I also made a Thank You card from Simple Pop-Up cards.  It was a lot easier to assemble than some in that collection.  And very cute, I thought.

Cause they were wooly nice to us!


And then I made one for Lee for Valentine's Day.

I have glued things in the wrong place several times.  In some cases, I noticed and fixed the card.  In others, I sent them off before I discovered the error.  Perhaps I will get better, or Cricut will start including instructions on the site.  Either way, future cards should be improved over the first couple of cards I have made.

They are still fun to do and, I hope, fun to receive. 


  1. Those cards look like they would be so much fun to receive. (I'm not sure how much fun they would be to make!)

  2. The people who get these will be delighted!
