
Monday, May 4, 2015

Last Spray

I sprayed the apple and pear trees for the last time this morning.  I like to do it in the morning, before the wind picks up.  They have all been hit pretty hard with fire blight.  I tried the organic method of getting rid of it.  This involves cutting each and every branch 6 inches below any area with blight.  I lost huge portions of the trees and it still came back each year. 


Then I was told, at Southern States, about Fertilome.  The county extension agent didn't tell me about it.  I asked a landscape guy and he told me to tear out the trees. No other store I went to and asked told me.  Only Southern States

 Fire blight is a bacterial infection in the trees and it needs an antibiotic...Fertilome. 

Baby apple

I have sprayed every 4 or 5 days since they just started to bud out.  The Fertilome container says I can stop when they develop fruit.  That looks like fruit.  I'm stopping.

Baby pear

The trees look way better.  There are a few branches I intend to cut off, but that will have to wait until Lee brings back the Mule where the tools are in the glove compartment. 


He is working on the barn for our new tenant.  I am excited to have horses here, again. Especially when I don't have to scoop up after them and carry heavy bags of grain and shavings.

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