
Friday, June 20, 2014

Two Down, One To Go

I bought enough yarn and the patterns for three scarfs.  I made one one, but needed help in finishing it.  This particular pattern calls for Kitchener stitch which grafts the two sides together so you can't see the seam.  I set that scarf aside until I could get back to the yarn shop for help.


I finished the lace cowl I started.  I like it and it was fast and easy.  I may make another with a different yarn.  What do you think?


I even had time to start on third scarf.  I like the color and the pattern is interesting.


Finally we got into town.  This is an issue when you live out in the country and any shopping is an expedition.

The Kitchener stitch is one developed by Earl Kitchener who was a field marshal, among other things, in the British Army.  He is thought to have developed this grafting method to avoid a seam lump in the socks that had been causing problems for soldiers. 

There are instructions online and videos you can watch done by experts, so I won't try to show you the technique.  But the hint that really helped was to take a sticky note and place it on the instructions for each row.  After you finish that row, you move the note down.  From all I have read, the biggest problem is losing your place and this technique HELPS to prevent that. Just remember to set the time aside to do the whole job without stopping.


I sat in the yarn shop for over an hour.  I got it done and I like the finished product.  It's not perfect, but it IS my first time.  I love the yarn. 


Now I want to make another one with a different yarn so I can use the Kitchener stitch while it is still (sort of) fresh in my mind.

How many scarves do I need to knit?  Apparently, quite a few.  I like a fast project that gives me a challenge.  What other scarves shall I knit?


  1. These are lovely. I am impressed!

  2. Love them all! I'm so glad you're enjoying your knitting! I'm making socks right now.
