
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pink Sky At Morning

You know the cautionary poem, don't you?

Red sky at night
A sailor's delight.
Red sky at morning
A sailor take warning.


This morning I woke up to a beautiful pink sunrise over the Blue Ridge and a good bit of fog.  So here is my ode to a pink sunrise.  All you poets out there have no reason to fear.  Poetry is not my forte.  Or my three-tay.


Pink sky at morning,
I better get shopping.
Christmas will be here
Before I am ready, because the kids are coming and I don't have any presents yet.

I know.  I know.  Don't quit my day job.


  1. It felt like springtime this morning... birds were chirping like they do in the spring, the air was sultry and warm and the sky was pink. Very pretty. Almost as pretty as your poem. LOL

  2. We had an oddly pink early morning here as well, though not the pretty pink in your photo! It was kind of eerie and nothing I'd want to write a poem about :)

  3. Lovely shots, you captured the lighting in a most excellent fashion.
