
Friday, March 29, 2013

Claire Needs A Home


The Botetourt County Horseman's Association is having a tack sale on April 6.  They have one twice a year.  They also allow trainers or just about any horse related people to show up and rent one of their tables to advertise or sell their products and services..  I thought this would be a good idea to market Claire one more time.

I put a brief add on craigslist.  I will put her on again in April.  Then mid-April, if she hasn't sold, I will send back up to Stone Tavern Stable for the final push.  I have cut her price in half to get her in a good home. 

I had some pictures from last year and got them enlarged at CVS.  They also had a tri-fold poster, similar to the ones kids use for science fair projects.  Then I got out my scrapbooking paper and glue and set to work.  I have to remember to take my camera, because it has some video of her jumping and working in an arena.


I would like to have her here in Botetourt County.  Then I may get to see her from time to time.


  1. I really wish I could purchase Claire. But I really like your tri-fold posterboard display! It is really cute. And I'd also like to see some pictures of your cards that you make, with watercolors.

  2. The tack sale is a great idea, as is the tri-fold poster. Have you thought to also put flyers on the table-something that people can take with them?
    All the best in finding her a good home!

  3. Wishing you and Claire all the best in finding her a good home, Rebecca. It would be nice if it was local so that you could still see her once in awhile. Also, sending you and Lee Happy Easter wishes.
