
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thoughts on the Weather


Last night was pretty windy.  The rain blew sideways and I worried about our fruit trees that I have nurtured for years snapping off.  The lights went out a few times and then came back on.  So I worried about losing power and not having water or heat.


This morning it started snowing.  That's the earliest it has happened since we have been in Virginia.  It only lasted for about 30 minutes and then it must have warmed up a degree or two, and turned to rain.  Now it is very cold, but dry.  The wind last night was enough to blow most of the pretty leaves off our trees.


Then I turned on the TV and watched in sadness.  People died.  Houses burned or destroyed by wind and water.  How lucky we are. 


I saw that Romney stopped campaigning and asked for donations and suggested the Red Cross.  Maybe that's what those of us who came through this storm unscathed should be doing to give thanks.  Give money$

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