
Friday, October 26, 2012

New Quilt

I am starting a new quilt.  The class starts next month, but I went and bought the fabric on Wednesday.  I thought I was supposed to buy it early so I could wash and iron it.  You wash it to make sure any shrinking and bleeding is done before you put it all together and have to wash it in the future.  All the work could be ruined  by uneven shrinking or the red bleeding into the white or something.

Because most of it is dark, Caroline at the Trinity Quilt Shop assured me the fabric I chose was OK and even preferable to wait to wash it.  I am trusting you Caroline!


This quilt pattern is called Keyboard Kaleidoscope. There is a striped keyboard pattern border and instead of doing all that piecing, the idea is to use a striped fabric.  I love easy, yet wonderful.  The quilt shop recently got in the most beautiful fabric with dark rick colors thinly outlined in gold.  I love them and I am so glad I can use them in this quilt.


Caroline helped me pick out some coordinating colors and I am so excited to get started.  The class is only for one day, so I hope to get one star and all the middles cut out.  It is a modified stack and whack type of process.  I have never done it and I am not willing to experiment.  I still feel more comfortable taking classes.  I know I will go off and have to finish on my own, but getting started and learning all the shortcuts from an expert is only way I want to make a quilt.


A new quilt!  And I think I will keep this one!

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