
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Project Finished

I haven't written about the progress on my knitting.  How many times can you write about doing 5 or 10 or even 20 more rows.  Last night I finished the afghan I have been working on.  This morning I used a crochet hook to weave in all the loose ends and it is DONE!  I really like it , but it is going in a closet until next winter.  It is summer, after all and no one needs an afghan now.

I will probably save this one to use in our new rooms.  We are getting ready to finish the basement and turn it into a combination B&B and tea/meeting room.  We are supposed to get the blueprints tomorrow.  Then we have to go to the county for permits.  Then the interviews with contractors.  Oh, joy.  But I am excited about getting this finished and moving on to new things.


So far I have an afghan and a quilt for the new room.  No furniture and really no art work.  As we make progress on the building we will make a concerted effort to get the furniture.  At this point I haven't even decided on the paint colors.  HELP!

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