
Monday, April 30, 2012

Mother's Day

Mom lives in another state.  She is in an assisted living community and refuses to move closer to me.  She knows and likes her caregivers and is concerned about learning a new place ad getting used to new caregivers.  I call frequently and visit as often as I can, but it is not enough.  I would send her gifts, but she has enough clothes and books and rarely eats the food gifts I send or bring her.

Mother's Day is coming and I have to send her something!  Usually I get the biggest or most elaborate card, but this year I have an idea. Several years ago I bought her a stuffed bear from the Build A Bear Workshop.  She had told me a sad story about never having a stuffed bear as a child, so I got her one.  She will be getting a visit from her two great grandchildren soon, so the gift I chose is a two-fer.  Two "fer" the price of one.

I am sending some new outfits for her bear.  I don't picture her dressing the bear, but I imagine Isabella and Emma will have fun doing so.  It is probably hard for them to think of things to do with "Grandma Judy" and this will give the girls and Mom something to talk about and to do.

My brother Roland is the girl's grandfather and he agreed to "go in" with me on the gift.  It is rare that we think of something to give Mom, so when we do, we call around and see if any one else wants to be a "giver" on the gift.  The gifts weren't pricey, but I hope they will be fun for all.


We got a bathing suit and towel.


And a ballerina outfit with ballet slippers.

I am also sending a few cards I made.  I keep making them and then hoarding them for some future use.  I thought Mom might like to have a few handmade cards to give to friends.  They do nice things for her and she never gets out to shop  for them.  She is in a wheelchair and can't do favors for her friends and I thought this might be a fun idea for her.


I stamped the garden cart and colored it with my watercolor pencils.


Then I made a medallion stamp.  I used glitter glues to add some sparkle and then attached  each succeeding, smaller medallion with some foam tape.

 I hope Mom likes them and will use them.  Chances are they will be in her room each time I visit.  At least she will know that I care.

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