
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I have decided I need to work on an afghan in the evening while watching TV. It will make me feel less useless. I have never made one for us. Only to give as gifts. I requested some library books to see if I like any patterns or if I should just use one of the pattern books I already have. Then I will get started on that.

I am waiting until the class starts to work on the quilt for which I bought the fabric. So that is on hold. Everything I need to do before the class is done.

So I have been making cards when I am too tired to work outside any more.

First I stamped a bunch of coffee themed stamps and saved them. Then I stamped some of my potting bench things and saved them.

Then I thought about them way too much. Like when I was supposed to be sleeping. Here is what I ended up with.

I had some paper that I thought would go with the coffee.

I stamped a border of coffee beans on a blank card.

Then I cut out the coffee cup and steam and a few sentiments that I backed with a dark colored card stock.

For the potting bench I added the extra drawer. It was too deep so I modified it a bit.

The potting soil bag has a few foam dots to make it dimensional. I added moss and work gloves to the drawer.

I cut off the top of the potting bench for a table. I have a small stamp of books and things and a cat stamp that goes well with it. The cat is too big, but I just decided he was a Maine Coon and went with it.

I modified the drawer even further and put some small ribbons and floss to look like things spilling out of a drawer.

I do not have anyone to send these to. And I intend to make even more stamps to send to no one in particular. I am even ordering a few more stamps. I think this is a sickness. I really do like doing nothing but reading a book and vegetating. But for right now I don't want to sit around too much. And if an occasion calls for a hand made card for a special person, I'll be ready! Wait. I don't have any birthday cards. What new stamps could I use for THAT?

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